0114 258 7511
Little London Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S8 0UH
Onboard’s unique advantage is our ability to attract, retain, engage and motivate some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in Sheffield and surrounding areas.  We deliver bespoke Individual Learning Programs for a wide range of young people. We support primary, secondary and post 16, from enrichment activities for full classes, individual confidence building sessions, right through to alternative provision.

We work in partnership with Sheffield Life Long skills & Communities, specialist schools (Heritage park, Bents green and Holgate Meadows), Youth Offending Service, Community Youth Teams, Primary Inclusion Centre, the Looked After Children team, Sharrow Community Forum and many more from the South Yorkshire region.

Our learning programs work towards AQA award schemes. We have a long track record of having the highest rate of attendance for alternative provision in Sheffield (80% of students last year improved their attendance rate). 79% of students were reintegrated back into employment education or training.

The courses we deliver cover:

Alternative Education provision – providing support with embedded maths & English , focusing on emotional resilience, strategies to support regulations, PHSE and development of Holistic development. Delivered through BMX, skateboard, scootering. With added workshops built around nutrition and graffiti art.
*Re-integration Alternative Provision- shorter program, delivering alternative provision using extreme sports as a developing tool for resilience. Supporting young people back into main stream education- linking what they enjoy at Onboard to school (taking scooters, ramps and bmx into schools and delivering workshops.
* 1-1 Be-friending- wrap around care for the most vulnerable young people, at risk of criminal exploitation and those that are on extreme waiting lists for mental health support.
Experienced staff will work and support young people in the school holidays, evenings and weekends and provide emotional and physical support.
* Primary Alternative Provision-  small class of 6 young people. Working on a carousel of activities that include BMX, skate, in-line skating and scootering. Workshops around nutrition, graffiti and team building focusing on self regulation and resilience to increase confidence and self esteem.

Students can expect to:

• Be welcomed into an exciting urban environment with positive and encouraging staff

• Be given learning opportunities where they can couple problem-solving with joinery and engage in extreme sports, thus increasing motivation and building self-confidence

• Work in small groups learning about ‘team building activities’

• Build objects that benefit our local community e.g. ramps we can take to use in our local parks; compost areas

• Learn how to ride an indoor skatepark with a variety of obstacles (equipment provided)

• Be assigned to a ‘key-worker’ in order to support personal development; our mentors are experienced youth workers and have great knowledge about extreme sports

• Each learner has their progress tracked and attendance monitored, with continuous observations. Lesson Plans are tailored to the needs of the individuals and termly reports are developed and forwarded to professionals involved

 “You are helping more than you’ll ever know, the change is beyond belief.”   Youth Justice Service

“We nearly cried when ‘x’ told me that he’d taken some of his class mates too. He was so isolated and at risk of social exclusion. We are all so impressed with what you offer.”   Special School

“Onboard’s work has reduced ASB and supported us with some of the hardest to reach youngsters.”   South Yorkshire Police Neighbourhood Team


contact Jane fryer (Designated Safeguard Lead) or Amy cooper (Designated Safeguard lead): 0114 2587511 Monday -Friday 9am until 3pm for more information.